Satisfaction survey


Please indicate what service you received


4 Hands massage

60 Min relaxing massage

90 Min relaxing massage


Pick an option that most represents your Sand Bar experience.

Please enter your email account

Was this your first massage at The Sand Bar?

How did you know about us?

Did you book online, through a Social Platform or walk in?

How were you welcomed at the check in?

How was your massage?

How was the pressure of your massage?

Was your therapist respectful and friendly?

How clean was our establishment, sheets and uniforms?

Was the value of your massage an important element of your experience at The Sand Bar?

Do you think you will be back again during this vacation?

Based on your experience with us, what can we do to make your The Sand Bar experience better?


Given that your experience at The Sand Bar was positive and knowing that businesses today rely heavily on immediate management response to customer feedback, as well as top presence on Social Media platforms, we ask you kindly to help us get better (leads to a comenta box and a questioner). If you just want to leave a review, click Help us get better.
Thank you!

We are so sorry you found our service today average, sub-par or disappointing. The link below will direct you to an email address where the owners will read about your experience and get back to you. When contacting us, please provide us with the name of the staff-member(s) you interacted with, a well as the date and time so we can better follow up.
Thank you!


Thank you for completing our Customer Satisfaction Survey. Following, you will find two QR codes. Please scan one and take an extra moment to leave a review that will directly benefit your therapist if you mention her by name. It only takes a couple of minutes.



Please scan this QR code that will redirect you to the owner's email so your troubles and concerns can be addressed.

Thank you!